P90x X Stretch Routine Video Free

In this post, we’ll cover the P90X workout schedule in detail. I’ll also provide you with the following documents to measure your results and track your workout progress:

  1. P90x Stretch List
  2. P90x Stretch Video Free
  3. P90x Free Workout Videos
  4. P90x Stretch Video Streaming
  5. P90x Stretch Full Workout

P90x Stretch List

  • P90X worksheets
  • A free P90X spreadsheet

P90X is a series of 12 hour-long workouts, repeated over 90 days. They're intense and varied, ranging from weight-lifting and plyometrics to yoga and kickboxing. If, after consulting with your physician you are given the go ahead to begin P90X, you can check out the P90X Workout Sheets below and see which approach you would like to start out with. If you prefer, download a copy of a P90X Workout Schedule PDF from this. The P90X® X Stretch workout is an extremely important part of the program, as it helps to prevent injuries and keeps your body from plateauing. This comprehensive full-body routine incorporates elements of hatha yoga, Kenpo karate, and other sports for a P90X® workout that will prepare you to meet any number of extreme challenges head-on.

P90x X Stretch Routine Video Free

The P90X workout is a demanding home exercise program, there’s no doubt. However, tracking your progress during the 90 day program will go a long way in keeping you on track to meet your fitness goals.

P90X Workout Schedule

While there are several different paths you can take when it comes to your P90X workouts (P90X Classic, P90X Lean, and P90X Doubles), we’ll be focusing on the P90X workout schedule for the classic version in this article.

The P90X Classic schedule is split up into three different sections: Weeks 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Each segment is made up of 3 intense weeks of training, immediately followed by a recovery week.

  • The Yoga X workout is scheduled at least once every week throughout the 12-week P90X program. The workout requires you to perform a variety of complex poses - all of which elongate and stretch particular muscles - and then hold those poses for a specific amount of time.
  • P90x Workout Workout Dvds Workout Guide Cardio Weight Loss Goals Best Weight Loss Strength Training Workouts Nutrition Plans Nutrition Store More information. People also love these ideas.

*Please note: I am against the practice of yoga due to its connection with eastern spirituality, and I strongly recommend that you skip this part of the program.

Week 1 – Week 3

Day 1 – Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Plyometrics
Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 4 (Recovery Week 1)

Day 1 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Core Synergistics
Day 6 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 5 – Week 7

Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Plyometrics
Day 3 – Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 8 (Recovery Week 2)

P90x Stretch Video Free

Day 1 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Core Synergistics
Day 6 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 9

Day 1 – Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Plyometrics
Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 10

P90x X Stretch Routine Video Free

Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Plyometrics
Day 3 – Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 11

Day 1 – Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Plyometrics
Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 12 (Recovery Week 3)

Day 1 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Core Synergistics
Day 6 – Yoga X (not recommended)
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

P90X Worksheets – P90X Worksheet to Track Progress

When it comes to working out, I’ve always been a stickler for documenting daily progress. In my opinion, it’s really the only way to truly measure the results you experience from a workout program or change to your daily diet.

P90x Free Workout Videos

Always remember that improving your physique is a gradual journey, and it’s often easy to overlook the small, daily results we see when we look in the mirror. Recording everything with this P90X worksheet has been invaluable to me, and I highly recommend that you try it for yourself.

P90x Stretch Video Streaming

P90x stretch x full video

P90X Spreadsheet

P90x Stretch Full Workout

Last but not least, I also wanted to share this awesome P90X spreadsheet with you. It’s nothing short of amazing, and will definitely come in handy as you work your way through the 90 day P90X workouts.

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